GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.

Presentation: "Introduction of Today's Tracks Thursday"

Time: Thursday 08:30 - 09:00 / Location: To be announced

Alexander Grosse, VP Engineering at SoundCloud

Alexander Grosse

Biography: Alexander Grosse

Alexander is currently VP Engineering at SoundCloud, the world’s leading social sound platform. Before SoundCloud he worked as R&D director at Nokia, where he headed Places Development at Nokia’s Location Services and had overall responsibility for the Operations department. Alexander has worked in a wide range of positions (Development, Consulting, CTO) in the software industry since 1996, including co-founding two start-ups.He holds a Masters in computer science from the University of Oldenburg and an Executive MBA from FOM Berlin. Besides computer science Alexander works(ed) as a techno DJ in Berlin’s party scene.

Twitter: @klangberater

Daphne Keislair, Conference Manager at Trifork

Daphne Keislair

Biography: Daphne Keislair

Eberhard Wolff, Architecture and Technology Manager at adesso AG

Eberhard Wolff

Biography: Eberhard Wolff

Eberhard Wolff is one of the initial 20 members of the Java Champions, and author of three books including the first German book on Spring.

Currently, Eberhard is working as Architecture and Technology Manager for adesso AG in Berlin, with a focus on NoSQL, Spring and Cloud.

As well as a published author, Eberhard is a regular speaker at international conferences and author of several articles

Personal website: 
Twitter: @ewolff 
Book: Spring 3 - Framework für die Java Entwicklung 

Jørn Larsen, CEO of Trifork, Member of Program Advisory Board

Jørn Larsen

Biography: Jørn Larsen

Jørn Larsen is co-founder and CEO of Trifork, a public Danish company providing software solutions to government and financial services providers. Trifork is creator of the long-running GOTO Conferences (formerly known as JAOO), and co-creator of QCon.

He graduated from the University of Aalborg, DK in 1994. Since 1997, Jørn is involved in program committees for software development conferences all over the world including QCon London, QCon San Francisco, GOTO Conferences and many more.

Stefan Tilkov, SOA and REST authority, innoQ founder

Stefan Tilkov

Biography: Stefan Tilkov

Stefan Tikov is a decent-frequency blogger, tweets at @stilkov and is a frequent speaker at conferences in Germany and abroad. He is the author of the book “REST und HTTP”. Stefan also used to be lead SOA editor on InfoQ.

Stefan has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for almost two decades, using a variety of technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails.

Co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, Stefan spends his time alternating between advising customers on new technologies and taking the blame from his co-workers for doing so.

Twitter: @stilkov

Sven Johann

Sven Johann

Biography: Sven Johann

Sven is a nomadic programmer who lived in four countries on two continents, partially at the same time. Having worked in research and industry, in domains like automotive, avionics, education or finance as well as on different embedded or enterprisy platforms, he hopes to profit from this diverse range of experiences by being always open enough to see the right solution for a problem instead of getting trapped by biases, old habits or prejudice. His love in software engineering belongs mostly to automation and the learning software organization. He occasionally blogs at